Bark in style.

Vanity fur asia is a pet driven digital lifestyle magazine of tightly curated tasteful selection of products, places and experiences explored and approved by Mia and her best hooman, Suz, for the always curious, sophisticated lifestyle enthusiast.


Barkery 9

Instagram: @barkery.9

Home-made pet treats and birthday cakes

One of Mia’s best friend, Benjamin, has just celebrated his birthday early this month. The birthday cake by Barkery 9 was a big hit at the party!!

Barkery 9’s pet treats and cakes are all made with natural and carefully selected ingredients with no added preservatives. They custom bake cakes for furry friends.

  • Bespoke birthday cake design

  • Only meat and vegetables

  • Gluten-free

  • No flour

  • No seasoning

  • No preservatives

  • Healthy for dogs

Benjamin & Mia’s review:

  • Very nice cake design

  • Surprisingly good taste with duck meat

  • Very irresistible cookie plates

  • Delicious yoghurt frosting


Gino’s Gelato

Location: Gino’s Gelato, Shop G18, Peak Tower, The Peak

(Check out their other locations online)

The ultimate doggie ice cream treat for a cause!

Mia’s review:

  • Love both the cheese & sausage flavours

  • Amazingly friendly team

  • A must-stop after the summer walk

Suz’s review:

  • Made with 100% organic Irish milk

  • With almost 20 classic and contemporary flavors to choose from

  • Uses fresh ingredients and seasonal fruits

  • Perfect for summer!


Posto Pubblico

Location: Soho, Hong Kong

Instagram: @posto_pubblico

Mia’s review:

  • Air-conditioned seating for furry friends

  • Very friendly, fun-loving staff

  • Can seat in the booth seating beside hooman

Suz’s review:

  • Serves very fresh homegrown vegetables

  • Great quality and sustainable ingredients

  • Very good slices of Italian pizza and homemade pasta

  • Fun dining environment

  • The chicken parmigiana is their best seller and definitely a must try


Jecka Building Blocks

Facebook: @jekcaworld


Jecka- "Build" a life with style.

Have you seen a Jenga samoyed?? Jecka has it!!

Jecka is a patented brick interlocking system that turns stacked building blocks into a very sturdy structure without the use of adhesive.

It is the kidult version of our childhood toy bricks. With JEKCA, everyone can experience the joy and pride of a true craftsman. You can now create the most intricate and functional craft items in the easiest way possible. Aside from animal sculptures, they also have architectural building bricks and paintings. If you’re looking for fun and creative stuff to do, Jecka will surely provide you with an enjoyable and rewarding experience!




